WHY yoga?

With yoga you save energy

“Why yoga” you may ask. While you make dozens of choices every day to give people and situations the attention they deserve. Your work, colleagues, family, friends, and relatives. And yourself? How do you make sure you still have energy left for yourself?

You do this by consciously allowing yourself the time and space for this. That’s what you do with yoga. With yoga, you get moving in a healthy way so that you not only use energy but also get and keep it.


In our yoga classes, you learn that everything you have to, do, and still want to do often go well together. Even the sometimes seemingly incompatible things in your life. Apparently, because you often mistakenly think you can’t do something.

In our yoga classes, you learn, among other things, to turn off your thoughts. Thoughts that keep you from ‘going to do’ what you really want. In our lessons, you do not only work with your body, but also with your head and your heart. So that you learn to switch from ‘thinking’ to ‘doing’. With more peace of mind and with both feet on the ground. Or in the air, if you practice a little…

Kristien Van Reusel, owner of Yogaschool Amsterdam, believes that the power of yoga is the ability to let go in connection.

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” B.K.S. Iyengar