October Newsletter

In this letter

  • Level 2 classes!
  • Wednesday- and Thursday evening class schedule change
  • Masterclass, specialize with Kristien
  • Childrens yogaaah! with Alexandra
  • Introduction course Iyengar yoga
  • More with injury: HEADACHE
  • Dates Masterclasses of Kerry/Jacco/Nanda 2x


We really get going in the yogaschool now. A few newses are waiting to be devoured here!

We proudly present: the Level 2 classes.
Mondays 18:15, Saturdays and Sundays 09:30 we offer a Level 2 class of 90 minutes long. In the Level 1/All Levels classes lots of standing poses are being practiced every week. In Level 2 classes we follow a monthly pattern that the mother institute in Pune (India) has, for example now in October:
1 – 7 standing postures and twists,
8 – 14 forward bends,
15 – 21 backbends,
22 – 24 hand-balances or inversions or a repetition of the former,
25 – 31 (last seven days of the month) restorative poses and Pranayama.
Work concentrated and learn about the vast variety of Asanas, develop yourself and let other practitioners inspire you, as there is time for observing and helping each other. With one year of weekly Level 1 or All Levels classes you can make this step undoubtedly, we even encourage everyone to do so in our school. Ask your teacher when you wonder which alternative/extra class would fit your needs, she/he can guide you to your perfect schedule.

Schedule change!
Wednesday- and Thursday evenings we go back to the Summer schedule: All Levels class from 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday two classes merge into one and for uniformity, Thursday class will start half an hour earlier, as on Wednesday. 

From October 19 to 27 Amsterdam schoolchildren have Autumn holidays. All of a sudden people visit our classes at a very different time, or not at all . . .
Maybe a good opportunity to explain what we do when little people appear for class:
With less than 3 people on the list in Momoyoga, the class will be cancelled at least two hours before. You can still see the class but then it is crossed out. If you registered for that class, an automatic e-mail will be sent to you to tell you the class is cancelled. So please check the Momoyoga (also when you didn’t register!) page and register for your class. Thanks!

On October 27, the last Sunday of the month, we’ll have a Masterclass with Kristien from 12:45 to 15:15. This class is for the advanced practitioner -so with at least two years of Iyengar yoga experience and no nagging injuries- and for teachers.

From Wednesday, October 30 we have a series of six lessons for CHILDREN of six years and older! From 14:00 to 14:50, costs €45, for a Drop-in class it is €10.
Let the children come to Alexandra! Please share!

Thursday, October 31 starts the next series “More with Injury” about HEADACHE. Note the adapted time: from 17:30 to 18:30.

Tuesday, November 5 at 19:45 the Introduction course Iyengar yoga starts. Know someone who wants to come? You can help by going to the website (click the English language flag!) and the blue circle rolling in will lead you to the registration of the “trial month unlimited Level 1 classes”. 

Not on March 4, but on April 4 we have Nanda’s first Saturday afternoon Masterclass (mistake in the September newsletter). See all four Saturday afternoon Masterclasses in a row:

  • Kerry             30 November         13:30 – 16:00
  • Jacco             29 February             13:30 – 16:00
  • Nanda           04 April                    13:30 – 16:00
  • Nanda           06 June                     13:30 – 16:00

We like to see you, rather today than tomorrow on the mat or climbing the wall-racks at Baarsjesweg 277!

Best regards!

Kristien and team of teachers